Elementary Guidelines for the Purchase and Use of Truck Mounted Attenuators in Business Facilities

Truck mounted attenuators (TMAs) are also referred to as impact attenuators, crash attenuators, cowboy cushions or crash cushions. Just as their name alludes, their work is to reduce the level of impact and damage to structures, motorists and vehicles in case of a collision. They are a safety mechanism aimed at minimising casualties and ensuring that any materials in danger of damage have some level of protection. Certainly, TMAs are a great addition to your business activities considering that they can help you avoid unprecedented monetary losses. Here are the elementary guidelines for first-time buyers interested in TMAs:

  1. Truck mounted attenuators must be registered considering that they are vehicular components affixed to mobile equipment. Registration with the local and state authorities identifies the legal owners for purposes of liability, transfer of ownership and sale. An applicable permit has to be issued by the relevant road and transport authority certifying that it is safe for the TMA to hit the road alongside other motorists.
  2. You should ensure that the TMA has an automatic impact brake system (AIB). Most of the new units come with this feature but it is important to check the manufacturer's manual because of the variation in TMA designs. Better still, first-hand owners might have modified the TMAs and affected the functioning of the impact brake system. AIBs reduce the braking period of the TMA and lower the pressure imposed on the equipment's primary braking system.
  3. It is your duty to ensure that there is high visibility on the rear end of the TMA, suitable for use during the day and night. You need flashing yellow lights, retro-reflective yellow tapes and an flashing board with visible bright lights. To add on that, you can also use yellow and black or white and red markings at the back side of the TMA as an additional hazard warning to the other road users.
  4. Make sure that the attenuator you buy supports variable message signs (VMS) controlled by the operator in the cabin. They are ideal for warning other drivers of impending danger and work zones that can lead to severe accidents. The messages can be in the form of descriptive texts or pictorial presentations. For instance, both types of messages can be used to relay information such as the status of the lane whether it is closed, merging on the left or right.

Note that TMAs can be a safety hazard in cases where they are not well conditioned. Therefore, you should carry out regular maintenance especially when it comes to the safety features. To learn more, contact a company like A1 Roadlines Pty. Ltd.
